Thursday 2 May 2013










Character Movement


Character Origin

My character is a kind of rock baby golem. He is a new born who is very curious but shy. He begins attached to a mountain and then comes alive after a lightning bolt hits the mountain. The rock baby is curious at first, after taking time to realise it is alive he begins to explore his environment which is a forest. During his exploration of the forest the sun comes up scaring him and causing him to run away in terror until he finds a place to hide. After awhile the sun catches up to him and turns him solid again, freezing him with a scared look on his face. 


Here is an example of my environment. My environment is made up of a forest next to a rock face. My character comes alive out of the rock face and then wanders the forest exploring new it's new environment.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Final Render

This is my final render I decided to use stronger lighting on his side to give the illusion of a light source such as a sun. I specifically chose a texture with cracks in it to enchance the feeling that hes made out of rock. After trying lots of different colours on his eyes I decided on blue as the other colours were either to unnoticeable or made him look evil, whereas I wanted him to look harmless and perhaps scared.



This is my first render of the character fully modelled without textures of course. I will probably touch him up a little bit but this is the final basic form. I'm planning to test a lot of different styles of rock textures until I find the one that I feel best suits my character.  



This is the head of my character I have separately made the eyebrows eyes and tooth then attached them, but the mouth is a slit that I made in the characters head then fill the head with a black sphere to look like it is a open mouth.



This is my first skeleton form made up of basic shapes such as spheres and cylinders. Some of the limbs are not attached yet as I find it easier to mould them unattached and then attach them after I am done.